

package util

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  1. util
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. final class AwaitableSeq[A, TRR] extends AnyRef

    A wrapper that prevents compiler errors when you invoke Awaitable.await in a for block.

    A wrapper that prevents compiler errors when you invoke Awaitable.await in a for block.

    For example:

    for (element <- seq) {
    // Compiler error: `await` must be enclosed in a `Future` block

    To suppress the error, wrap the original seq in a AwaitableSeq.futureSeq:

    for (element <- AwaitableSeq.futureSeq(seq)) {
    // No compiler error now
  2. trait CancellableFuture[AwaitResult] extends Stateful[AwaitResult]

    A Future.Stateful that will be completed when another Future being completed.

  3. trait CancellablePromise[AwaitResult] extends Promise[AwaitResult] with CancellableFuture[AwaitResult]

    A Future.Stateful that will be completed when another Future being completed.

  4. final class CancellationToken extends AnyVal

  5. final class FunctionFuture[AwaitResult] extends AnyVal with Stateless[AwaitResult]

    A simple future implemented by foreachFunction.

  6. final case class Generator[Element]() extends (Element) ⇒ Awaitable[Unit, GeneratorSeq[Element]] with Product with Serializable

  7. final case class JumpInto[TailRecResult](executor: Executor) extends Stateless[Unit] with Product with Serializable

    Let the code after JumpInto.await run in executor.

    Let the code after JumpInto.await run in executor.


    Where the code after JumpInto.await runs.

  8. type Poll[AwaitResult] = CancellableFuture[AwaitResult]

  9. trait Promise[AwaitResult] extends Stateful[AwaitResult]

    A Future.Stateful that will be completed when another Future being completed.

  10. type Sleep = CancellableFuture[Unit]

Value Members

  1. object AwaitableSeq

  2. object Blocking

  3. object CancellablePromise

  4. object CancellationToken

  5. object Generator extends Serializable

  6. object Poll

  7. object Promise

  8. object Sleep

  9. package io

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
